Amateur Press Association Net Ring Home Page

Welcome to the Amateur Press Association Net Ring Home Page. I’m assuming if you’re here you’ve got a site you’d like to add to the ring. The only requirement for APA Net Ring membership is that your site be related somehow to an Amateur Press Association. 

Amateur Press Associations are limited circulation fanzines; in order to receive a copy, one must be an active contributor to the APA. APAs are a system of centralizing correspondence which makes it possible to keep in touch with a large number of other fans at the same time. APAs are outlets for creativity and self-expression. They are invaluable learning tools, through which one can develop writing, drawing, and editing skills. They provide built-in feedback and constructive criticism on such creative endeavors. An APA is not only a place to learn and develop your skills of communication it’s a place to meet new friends.

Ideally I would like APAs with a web presence to join the ring but if you’re a member of an APA who also puts samples of your APA submissions up on a web site then you are encouraged to join as well. View a list of sites in the APA Net Ring. View Stats for the APA Net Ring.

To join the APA Net Ring simply fill out the form below and choose a banner and the accompanying HTML code to link your site to the rest of the web ring. Once you’ve submitted your site the the APA Net Ring, your site ID will be e-mailed to you. You then need to place one of the APA Net Ring Banners I’ve created on your site or come up with one of your own. The usual placement for the banner is at the bottom of your opening screen. When you’ve done this, e-mail me ( and I’ll check to make sure the links work properly before inserting your site into the Ring.

Submit Site to the APA Net Ring

Site Title:
Site URL:
Contact Name:

Please choose a password (don’t forget it).

Enter up to 20 keywords separated by spaces to describe your site.

Enter a short description of your site.

Edit/Update Site in the APA Net Ring

Site ID #

Amateur Press Association Net Ring Sample Banners

Here are some sample banners to include on your site. If none of them work well with your site’s background, feel free to make your own, just be sure to include the proper links.

Proper placement of the banners is on the opening screen of your site. Usually at the very bottom but if another place works better for you, I’m flexible. I do ask that some kind of link  to your banner appear on the opening screen so that people browsing the APA Net Ring sites can find the banner easily. This makes navigating the ring less frustrating.

To use the banners below simply copy the HTML code associated with the banner you’ve chosen and download the appropriate image. You will need to insert your Site ID and site contact name and e-mail within the HTML code.

These banners are for sites with any color of background and are formatted to use your site’s text colors. The images within the banners can be changed and if you want to design your own APA image feel free to use it in your banner. If you have an idea for a different banner design, you may use it as long as the pertinent navigation codes and RingSurf Net Ring information are present.

The images within the banner must be downloaded separately. To do this simply right click on the image and choose 'Save Picture As ...' to download it to your hard drive.

Please note that in the HTML fragment you will see INSERT_SITE_ID_HERE in several places. This is where you insert the site ID number you were given upon joining the ring.

Banner 1

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This RingSurf APA Net Ring Site
is owned by Tamara Hodge.
Want to join the APA Net Ring?
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   <td valign="middle" align="center" rowspan="4"><img border="0" src="apanrlogo2.gif" alt="Amateur Press Association Net Ring Member"></td>
   <td valign="middle" align="center"><a href=";id=INSERT_SITE_ID_HERE;action=prev" target="_top"><font face="Wingdings">Û</font><font face="Times New Roman"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> Previous Site </font></font></a><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"> | <a href=";action=index" target="_top">List Sites</a> | <a href=";id=INSERT_SITE_ID_HERE;action=next" target="_top">Next Site </font><font face="Wingdings"> Ü</font></a></font></td>
   <td valign="middle" align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">This <a href="" target="_blank">RingSurf</a> <a href="" target="_blank">APA Net Ring</a> Site<br> is owned by <a href="mailto:
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 Banner 2

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Amateur Press Association Net Ring Member This RingSurf APA Net Ring Site
is owned by Tamara Hodge.
Want to join the APA Net Ring?
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   <td valign="middle" align="center" rowspan="3"><img border="0" src="apanrlogo3.gif" alt="Amateur Press Association Net Ring Member"></td>
   <td valign="middle" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">This <a href="" target="_blank">RingSurf</a> <a href="" target="_blank"> APA Net Ring</a> Site<br>is owned by <a href="mailto:
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Two images that work well with Banner 1 or 2.
apanrlogo1.gif apanrlogo4.gif
146 x 81 pixels 150 x 84 pixels


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